- контраадмирал
- (лат. contra, арап. amir alma командант на флота) вој. 1. најнизок адмиралски чин2. човек со тој чин.
Macedonian dictionary. 2013.
Macedonian dictionary. 2013.
Военно-морские силы Болгарии — Военноморски сили на Република България Военно морские силы Болгарии Годы существования 13 января 1899 года Страна … Википедия
Counter Admiral — is an Anglicisation of a naval rank found in most navies of the world. This Anglicisation is, however, rarely used, as the rank is usually kept in the original language or translated to Rear Admiral or in the United States,… … Wikipedia
Military ranks of Bulgaria — The following table contains the military ranks of the Military of Bulgaria. Contents 1 Army and Air Force ranks 2 Navy ranks 3 See also 4 References … Wikipedia
комодор — (анг. commodore) мор. виш поморски офицер во морнарицата на некои земји (меѓу капетан и контраадмирал) … Macedonian dictionary